1933-1934 Roadster Body Wood

Cubel * POBox 1401 * Huntington, Utah 84528
Item Number / Location of Part   


2306/Cowl Assembly/Illustration 339.00
2307/Hinge Pillar/Driv 146.00
2308/Hinge Pillar/pass 146.00
2309/Package Tray/Illustration 155.00
2310/Seat Riser/Illustration 51.00
2311/Door Wood Assembly/Driv 1264.00
2312/Door Wood Assembly/Pass 1264.00
2315/Latch Pillar/Driv 286.00
2316/Latch Pillar/Pass 286.00
2325/BODY WOOD KIT all the BLUE $3604.00

STRUCTURE KIT is in BLUE. Items SOLD as priced. Order by item number.
